hey friends, i’m kate.

I am so glad you’re here! I am a 34-year-old woman with a passion for life and exploring it to its deepest, darkest, stickiest, brightest, most joyful, and most loving depths! If I had to describe myself, I’d say that I’m a heart-centered, nature-loving, and spiritually-minded artist, foodie, sun-worshipper, and self-proclaimed weirdo. Or, in other words: I’m just a human trying to figure my life out, one day at a time.

Much of my journey up to this point has been driven by a burning desire to truly get to know myself and to understand why I show up in the world the way I do. Also, for as long as I can remember, I have been intensely interested in all things holistic health, wellness, and nutrition. At many turns along the way I’ve learned and tried a lot of great things, and I have also learned and tried a lot of not so great things (*cough cough* my vegan years…), but no matter what, my goal is always to better optimize my health and wellness.

I’ve started this blog to document my journey through the most intense physical health flare I have yet to experience in my 34 years. I have been dealing with chronic eczema for 13 years, these last four months being the most intensely painful, stubborn, and inflamed flare up I’ve ever experienced.

I recently hired a doctor, got functional labs done, and am using this blog as a creative outlet for myself to document my journey to embodied wellness…or in other words, health–in all of its forms–that is truly integrated into all of me! I will document not only the physical things I am doing for myself, but the mental, emotional, and spiritual practices as well. I am a huge believer in the fact that our physical health is a direct correlation to our emotional well-being, and that we cannot heal one without healing the other.

I’m hoping that by posting my story for people to see, it will act as a sense of accountability for myself, as well as offer a space for me to unload any of the lessons I am learning. Also, if sharing my journey helps someone else who is struggling from a similar problem, then that’s an even bigger win!

If you got this far, thanks for being here! I am so grateful and I look forward to connecting!